From: Jay Jaeger
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 8:01 AM

> You seem to be supposing that I said one could/would implement ANSI/ISO C
> on a 1410 in native code


> I would not suggest that one would implement ANSI/ISO C on such a machine,
> any more than I would expect to implement current versions of FORTRAN on
> such a machine.  Heck, there wasn't even a FORTRAN IV for the 1410.

Wasn't there?  I realize that the 1410 was not code compatible with the 1401,
but the architectures are similar enough that I would expect them to have
similar compilers.  I know that the 1401 had a FORTRAN IV compiler, because
that was my first computer and first language, back in the spring of 1969.


Rich Alderson
Vintage Computing Sr. Systems Engineer
Living Computer Museum
2245 1st Avenue S
Seattle, WA 98134

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