On Thursday (09/24/2015 at 10:06AM -0400), Mike Stein wrote: > Found a few more boards; I guess the displays, optocouplers and surge > suppressors suggest an industrial system of some sort, perhaps custom or > limited production. > > Wonder why that type of connector wasn't used more often for a bus instead > of presumably more expensive edge connectors; I think I do have some (CDC?) > boards that are the opposite, i.e. pins plugging into sockets on the > backplane. > > https://picasaweb.google.com/115794482077177620188/Mystery68xxCards?authkey=Gv1sRgCKq4r5zr3fjGiwE
Those are the same connectors used on the Heathkit H8 and H89 backplanes but those are definitely not cards that plug into the backplane of either of those machines. Chris -- Chris Elmquist