Many years ago we used them as Data Entry machines, but I have no documents and 
have forgotten everything I knew. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Josh
> Dersch
> Sent: 23 September 2015 22:45
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> <>
> Subject: Honeywell/Bull DPS-6 deskside info?
> Along with the 11/44 I also picked up a Honeywell/Bull DPS-6 deskside
> workstation; I can't seem to dig up much information specific to this model (a
> badge on the rear labels it as "Model/Index No. B01732").  I can take some
> detailed pictures later this week after I've had time to clean it up (it's 
> very,
> very dirty), but it looks very similar to the DPS-6 unit pictured on this 
> site:
> Anyone have any docs on this thing?  Or fun anecdotes to share?  What have
> I gotten myself into with this thing?
> Thanks,
> Josh

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