On 9/22/2015 1:49 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 09/22/2015 12:36 PM, ben wrote:

PL/M in FORTRAN made CP/M possible.
That to me seems more important than Pascal in Fortran.

I think that's an overstatement.  There were plenty of 8-bit OS-es
written in assembly.  That Gary did the first version of CP/M using PL/M
was more a matter of convenience.

I can't think of OS's off hand but CP/M and Flex.
Mr Gates Basic does not count as OS.

In other words, CP/M (if you consider it to be an important innovation)
would have happened, PL/M or not.  I mean that it's not a lot of
code--development time would not have been much different.

True, but the Cross Assembler still would be FORTRAN.
The only hand coded machine would have been the APPLE I.

When DRI tried to foist PL/I on its developer community, that played out
much less successfully.

Only now I have money to play with small computers (FPGA 8 bit design)
not in the late 70's. I suspect the high cost of hardware left little
money left for software was true for every one back then.


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