> I gave three of those to the college for use as classroom machines. > > I had gotten them for next to nothing,
Fred, They are a bit harder to find but still relatively cheap. This is the third or fourth one I've run across. One, in Orange county, got trashed before I could get to it. Of the others they were all in other states and this was the only one willing to try shipping. In fact if anyone is interested there is one listed here: http://denver.craigslist.org/for/5153027997.html in the Denver area. Seems a bit worse for wear and is apparently missing the original keys but that should be an easy fix. >put much larger casters on them, for door thresholds, a > tiled hallway, and the inevitability that they would be rolled over > cords. That may be a good upgrade. Although, I don't plan moving mine much once I get it in place. > > With a relatively small monitor on top, it provided a comfortaqble > podium and computer table for teachers to use while lecturing. I will admit though it is smaller than I would have thought. The pictures in the ad makes the cart look bigger. At best it is about waist high. However, it does fit the 515x series of computers and accessories nicely. > > > A few years later, our department chair at the time (PhD from > UCBerkeley) > came running into the lab, squealing, "WE'RE GETTING SUNS!" WE'RE > GETTING > SUNS!" She had been informed that at the loading dock, there were > three > "Multimedia Workstations" for us. NO, we never got any Suns. The > "multimedia workstations" turned out to be open 3x6 foot computer desks > on > casters. THOSE were to be our new classroom computer tables! too > deep, > too wide, not tall enough to use while standing, . . . They chucked > the > IBM workstations that I had given them (three just like yours) into > dumpsters. Why did I even bother? > > One of their new classroom/demo machine tables had big rubber wheels, > that > wouldn't turn easily. They were almost ready to junk it, because their > "support staff" didn't know that pneumatic wheels needed to be > inflated. > I pumped them up. > > > -- > Grumpy Ol' Fred ci...@xenosoft.com