On 09/21/2015 10:22 AM, tony duell wrote:

Have you ever read the technical manual for the QX10?

It appears there were 2 keyboards sold for it. One had Valdocs-specific
keys, the other (which seems more common over here, not that the QX10
is a common machine) doesn't and was used for a more standard
CP/M system.

Yes, as well as a fair amount of TP/M source code. It's just that the QX-10s strong selling point was Valdocs and that's mostly why people bought the thing.

On the subject of cassette machines, here's one:


1991, 68K-based controller, dual color CRT with graphics. Some have been upgraded to floppy--if so, they're running CP/M 68K, but this appears to be the original cassette model.


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