On 18 September 2015 at 20:00, Lars Brinkhoff <l...@nocrew.org> wrote:
> No, it was not Crusoe.  I'm fairly sure it was VIA, and less sure it was
> the C3.  Maybe Cyrix?  Whatever was current technology around 2002 I
> guess.
> I remember reading the rumour that the RISC instruction set was
> accessible, and I contacted VIA about this.  I got an email from someone
> I gathered was a company executive, and I signed an NDA to get the
> information.  I got a paper document in the mail.
> Unfortunately, a few years ago I cleaned out the room where the document
> was stored.  As I didn't think it was important at the time, I threw it
> away.
> I would love to provide a proper citation, but I searched the net and
> couldn't find anything to back this up.

Remarkable! OK then. As a journo, and one who doesn't generally sign
NDAs, I would not have met this.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
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