Someone asked about uploading the SunOS 4.1 docubox I had scanned, so I finally got around to doing that today, but discovered that I never scanned the part 1, just the system calls of 800-3827. I suspect that I never had it. So if someone has that or a Solaris 1.x docubox a scan would be helpful.
- ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Manual, part one Al Kossow
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Manual, part one Jason T
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Manual, part one Al Kossow
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Manual, part... Jason T
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Manual, ... Al Kossow
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Man... Josh Dersch
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference... Jason T
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference... Al Kossow
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Refer... Josh Dersch
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Refer... Al Kossow
- Re: ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Refer... Josh Dersch