> From: space...@gmail.com > > On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Dave G4UGM <dave.g4...@gmail.com> wrote: > > It is notable that in order to solve all problems, a computer must permit > > self modifying code. > > From a theory of computation view, I don't believe that's true. Any > computable function can be computed by a fixed program. > > For a particular computable function, there may be a more efficient > implementation using self-modifying code. > > On the other hand, computing a particular computable function may > require an arbitrariy amount of recursion, so it may take an > arbitrarily amount of writable memory. The recusion may, of course, > be implemented as some equivalent that doesn't require the computer to > have explicit subroutine calls or stack, but the memory may still be > required.
That may be true for computing but I'm not sure if it is practical for real time control of complex systems. Dwight