What is the definition of self modifying? Is it changing an instruction to execute in the thread to be run? How about adding or subtracting something to be done in an execution queue? I'm not sure there is a lot of difference. In the first case, one might leave the instruction for a later execution and do the wrong thing. One could do the same kind of thing in the second case and still cause problems. Dwight
- Re: ENIAC programming Was: release dates of early microco... Noel Chiappa
- RE: ENIAC programming Was: release dates of early mi... Dave G4UGM
- Self modifying code, lambda calculus - Re: ENIAC... Toby Thain
- Re: Self modifying code, lambda calculus - R... ben
- RE: Self modifying code, lambda calculus... Dave G4UGM
- Re: Self modifying code, lambda calculus... Paul Koning
- RE: Self modifying code, lambda cal... Dave G4UGM
- Re: Self modifying code, lambda... ANDY HOLT
- RE: Self modifying code, la... dwight
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Paul Koning
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Paul Koning
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Chuck Guzis
- RE: Self modifying code, la... dwight
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Mouse
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Paul Koning
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Jay Jaeger
- Re: Self modifying code, la... Paul Koning
- Re: Self modifying code, lambda... Johnny Billquist
- RE: Self modifying code, la... Dave G4UGM