>Noel Chiappa wrote:

OK, so I finally got set up to scan manuals, with a scanner with a document
feeder, so I don't have to sit there and feed the beast! So now I can scan in
a number of 'missing' (online, at least) PDP-11 manuals which I happen to

The first thing through the machine was the DZV11 Technical Manual (which
Paul Anderson was gracious enough to loan out, to enable it to be put online
- thanks Paul!), now available here:


(as always, please download/distribute/replicate to other repositories).
I also did the 11/34 cache board user manual, now here:


I was able to look at both manuals.  THANK  YOU!!

However, both of the directories at the next level up are blocked.
If there is any possibility that both these directories could be made
available to allow the other PDF files to be viewed, that would be

If not, a list of the actual links to the other PDF files which are
available to be viewed would be appreciated.

Also, do you have any files of source code or binary distributions
of RT-11 files?

I have a number of RT-11 DOC sets which I am no longer using:
V05.05  RT-11  DOC set
V05.04G  RT-11  DOC set
V05.02  RT-11  DOC set

I am not positive about the latter two, but the V05.05  RT-11
DOC set is probably available unless Jay West wants it now
rather than waiting for the V05.07  RT-11  DOC set.  Since
not of these dead tree RT-11  DOC sets are bound, they would
be easy to (automatically) scan - except that each of the RT-11
DOC sets is approximately 5,000 pages and both sides must
be scanned for a total of about 10,000 pages each.

Since the V05.07  RT-11  DOC set is already scanned and
available as many PDF files, there may not be any interest
in the prior versions.  Please let me know.  If no one is interested,
then I will start discarding them in a few months.  I have promised
to send the dead tree version of my V05.07  RT-11  DOC set to
Jay West, but that will wait until I am on the other side of the green
rug - or at least close enough.

Jerome Fine

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