On 9/15/2015 7:45 PM, Smith, Wayne wrote:
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 03:03:05 -0600
From: Eric Smith <space...@gmail.com>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Subject: Re: release dates of early microcomputer operating systems,
incl. Intel ISIS
Are you sure ISIS (one) didn't have disk support? I thought that was
shipped with the first Intel MDS-DOS floppy systems for use on the
MDS-800 in 1975. A 1975 edition of the MDS-DOS Operator's Manual is
listed among other Intel manuals at:
Looked up the copyright registration for the manual and related items:
A712678. MDS-DOS diskette operating system operator's manual 79 p.
Add. ti: Intel diskette operating system microcomputer development
System MDS-DOS operator's manual. (c) Intel Corporation; 22Dec75.
A712670. Intel diskette operating system microcomputer development
System MDS-DOS hardware reference manual. 1 v. (c) Intel
Corporation; 15Dec75.
Here is a bit on CP/M.