On 09/15/2015 12:11 PM, Gary Oliver wrote:
I don't know if anyone got to the bottom of this blockage,
but I noticed this morning that the site
"members.iinet.net.au" is now accessible from my comcast
(oregon) location. It's still broken elsewhere because
few of the sites I visited that should be on the ring have
working webring links, so the javascript inclusion must
not yet be universally accessable...
Yes, it appears that iinet either fixed what was wrong or
got whoever else was responsible to get it fixed. It now
works from my home and also from work, where both did not
work consistently for several weeks. I don't know if I will
find out WHAT was wrong, but apparently David Brooks made
inquiries at iinet on Thursday or Friday, and somebody did
I think it was VERY important that with all of your help, we
were able to QUANTIFY that this was a widespread blockage.