> I know I'm a little late on this, but for something that small why not
> wrap it in bubble or whatever, put it in a gaylord strap it to a pallet
> and send it common carrier?


I am on the receiving end of this package so I was not shipping. The seller 
actually tried to ship FedEx but when he got there they told him packed it 
would be bigger and/or heavier then what they could ship. He also got a quote 
from UPS but they wanted $1200 to pack and ship the darn thing.

One of the biggest issues we had was that this was the seller's (and frankly 
mine as well) first time shipping something so big. He was just not setup to 
package the thing or transport it. So he wanted to have someone come by and 
pickup, package, and ship. Eventually, he saw the need to pack it himself (and 
at least based on the photos he sent) he seemed to have done an excellent job. 
The desk is scheduled to arrive on Friday so the proof will be in the pudding.


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