I'm almost sure that he's thinking in one 5 1/4" of 1.2 mb capacity.

Kind Regards
Sergio Pedraja

2015-09-15 10:51 GMT+02:00 Eric Smith <space...@gmail.com>:

> On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:39 AM, Adrian Graham
> <binarydinosa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've been contacted by a teacher who's looking for any information about
> > 12" floppies. Am I imagining that they really existed? I'm sure I've seen
> > one or seen adverts for them, maybe at Bletchley Park. Others he's
> > contacted think he's getting confused with 12" laser discs but I'm not so
> > sure.
> When IBM introduced the floppy disk in 1971, they were 8-inch, and
> that became industry standard, partially supplanted by 5 1/4" when
> Shugart introduced those in 1976, then 3.5" introduced by Sony and HP
> in 1982. There were a few other oddball sizes like 4", 3 1/4", 3", 2
> 1/2", and 2", but none of them were very successful. The market
> pressure was always to reduce the size of the medium, so I can't
> imagine why anyone would have made 12" floppy disks.

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