I've been searching for introduction dates of early microcomputer
operating systems, by which I mean only operating systems that run on
computers using single-chip microprocessors such as 8008, 8080, and
6800, but not the LSI-11, IMP-16, HP 9830, etc.

Intel's ISIS operating system for their MDS was first released in
1975, but I haven't been able to pin down a month. I'm looking for a
more specific date for that, and for the releases of any prior
microcomputer operating system.

On Twitter, @hotelzululima suggested Motorola MIKBUG, introduced in
1974, but IMO it's a monitor, not an operating system. Hzl also
suggested Forth, which I also don't really consider to be an operating
system in the traditional sense, but if there's evidence of Forth or a
Forth-like language available for a microcomputer prior to 1976, that
would be interesting as well.

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