Can I beg to differ, having had a quick play with Azure I quite like "cloud" 
However they usually don't deliver what managers expect as usually it is only 
the hardware that’s in the cloud.
You don't get the Systems Admin done for you. You will often have to back it 
up. Worse still its expensive.
Where I last worked we basically ran "servers as a service" using a VMWare 
We tried to fully cost our servers but the price we came up with was still 
about 10% of commercial cloud providers.

I use a "hosted" web site for the local Radio Club on a shared server in the 
cloud. Its about $100 dollars a year.
I honestly can't beat it. We have MySql and run a main web server using 
"Drupal" for the "Normal" club stuff, plus a second with "Moodle" for the UK 
Ham Radio exams we run training for.
It also hosts my Vintage computing pages...

I would probably need three boxes at home to do the same thing. Give me a cloud 
any day....
... which reminds me I havn't backed it up for a while.....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Sean
> Caron
> Sent: 11 September 2015 16:08
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> <>; Sean Caron <>
> Subject: Re: internet blocking problem ?
> Me too, especially as a working sys admin ... the business model is not really
> original ... just the old time "service bureau" or "timesharing company" but
> we have to have a hip new marketing catchname for it, LOL...
> Well, if I've learned one thing, the computer industry is kind of like the
> fashion industry ... cyclical ... one year it will be distributed services; 
> ten years
> later it's centralization ... one year "cloud" is the fad ... but I think in 
> ten years
> we'll all be moving to pull our services back in house, LOL.
> Best,
> Sean
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:46 AM, Jay West <> wrote:
> > Ben wrote....
> > ----
> > What I find more annoying, is this cloud crap.
> > ----
> > "There is no such thing as 'the cloud', it's just someone else's computer."
> >
> > Love that quote... so true... and I sell cloud services ;)
> >
> > J
> >
> >
> >
> >

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