I talked to the guy at the counter, and meant to post this too. He gets
a lot of Amiga hardware and would be worth polling if you are
interested. I suspect that the prices will go up if a bunch of Amiga
people pounce though, and they can use the bucks there. (ask Jay for
the contact)
Lots of NTSC studio quality video pulls as well, worth the visit if you
are near STL and want to have very high quality NTSC video switching and
other equipment. Looks like some local studios probably just recent.y
digitized since there is nearly a full setup there right now. Leich and
Grass Valley spotted for example.
Sad thing was there was an IBM 5100 at the other local junk location
there and it was gone when my friend and I went there (after lunch with
Jay, by the way thanks again for meeting up and buying lunch, Jay).
I spotted a Boeing store on Lindbergh on the way to the hotel, too late
to visit. Anyone culled thru there for what they have? The one in
Seattle was always a must visit in Kent when I was visiting there for
work. Daily visits are warranted. Sadly it is shut down.
On 9/10/2015 6:02 PM, Jay West wrote:
Local electronics haunt has an Amiga 2000HD on the shelf. I was in a rush
so didn't get any particulars. It did not appear to have a monitor or
keyboard. Didn't see a price tag, but just from past experience I'd guess
the owner tagged it around $50.
I'm not in to them, no interest.. But if someone is interested I'd be happy
to look further, ship, etc.