> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctech [mailto:cctech-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of William
> Donzelli
> Sent: 10 September 2015 17:00
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts <cct...@classiccmp.org>
> Subject: Re: punchcard svg file available
> > btw. in the Netherlands where I live, they are called ponskaarten and
> > are nowhere to be find also. We only have one box of fresh cards and
> > one box of used cards with our IBM 029. Of course the unused cards
> > stay in the depot until we can do something usefull with them. That is why I
> made this file.
> > As soon as I find a good local supply of the right type of paper, the
> > cards can be reproduced. :-)
> If you find a source of paper stock that works, please let everyone know
> about it. The real paper is gone, and will likely never be made again. It is a
> specialized stock that is extremely difficult to make.
> --
> Will

I have been looking in the UK and getting near that thickness is hard. I havn't 
been able to get my reader working yet...


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