Hi Lee.
Thanks. feel free to rename the file to anything you like. :-)
I decided to ignore rude yelling people. Being right and being polite
are two completely different things.
btw. in the Netherlands where I live, they are called ponskaarten and
are nowhere to be find also. We only have one box of fresh cards and one
box of used cards with our IBM 029. Of course the unused cards stay in
the depot until we can do something usefull with them. That is why I
made this file. As soon as I find a good local supply of the right type
of paper, the cards can be reproduced. :-)
Simon from hack42.nl
On 10-09-15 17:22, Lee Courtney wrote:
punchcard or PUNCH or PUNCHED card, still nice work. Thanks for sharing.
Lee C.
On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 4:38 AM, simon <sim...@dds.nl> wrote:
Hi All,
just to let you know that i've made a vector graphics file for A hollerith
Met vriendelijke Groet,
Simon Claessen
Met vriendelijke Groet,
Simon Claessen