Mark Wickens <> writes: > does anyone know of a documented project that replaced the internals > of a BBC Model B with a Raspberry Pi (or MiniITX PC) interfacing with > keyboard etc. to bring modern internals with a traditional interface?
This one's been around for a while: Tynemouth Software do USB keyboard controllers for the keyboards of various 80s micros, including the BBC: I wouldn't want to dismantle a working machine to do this, but it was common enough back in the day -- I converted a dead Dragon 32 into a Z80 machine in the early 90s, and I was given a terminal keyboard fitted with a ZX Spectrum motherboard at one point. It certainly seems a better use for (say) an Electron with a dead ULA than just sitting around gathering dust, and it's easy enough to do it reversibly these days. I've occasionally wondered about building an ARM workstation inside an IBM Model M keyboard... Cheers, -- Adam Sampson <> <>