> On Aug 29, 2015, at 12:36 AM, Lyle Bickley <lbick...@bickleywest.com> wrote:
>> ...
> I was not on the Team that did the memory analysis and the ultimate
> "modern" replacement memory. However, when I joined the Team, I asked
> similar questions and was told that the core memory was literally
> "falling apart" and was not repairable. 

I sure have a hard time fathoming any of this.

Quite apart from the obvious one of building a pin-compatible modern memory, 
another answer comes to mind.  If a core plane has come apart, the cores could 
be recovered and restrung.  That requires patience and dexterity, but it should 
be doable.  It also requires a device to hold the cores correctly for 
threading; something like that could easily be made in a a 3d printer.


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