On Fri, 28 Aug 2015, Ali wrote:
On Fri, 28 Aug 2015, Evan Koblentz wrote:

Not a concern: we'd just build a walled tub of sorts, put in enough de- yellowing solution to cover the yellowed item in question, and have the plexi sitting well above it. The solution would never be anywhere near the plexi.

Actually I was thinking the tub would be built out of plexi. That way you could get the same level of light from all around as opposed to just from the top (hence the reflective surfaced for the container). That way you may get more even UV illumination on all the surfaces especially in the nooks and crannies. Just a thought though as it may not improve or make things worse.

Why get so elaborate? Last year while I was looking at building an indoor UV setup, I was considering a simple wooden frame to support four 24" T8 blacklight lamps about a foot or so above my bench. I haven't yet gone much further than looking at various lamps/fixtures/ballasts since I'm still not sure de-yellowing many of my computers would be worth the effort.

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