> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 15:33:19 -0400
> From: Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: A tale of woe, including carelessness, stupidity
> and laziness....
> > Quite possibly two different phases, and if so, the would be 90 degrees
> > out of phase with each other.
> 90?  Three phase power is 120 degrees apart, center-tapped "two phase"
> home power is 180 degrees, but I don't know of any power company service
> that produces 90 degree shifts.
> In any case, RP06s use three phase power.  The issue wasn't the power in
> this particular story, but rather the ground wire (the green "protective
> ground" that isn't supposed to carry current at all under normal operation).
>         paul

Not exactly true. RP06 drives are typically connected to 3-phase power, but
only use two of the three phases. I have and RP06 running at home on
110/220VAC 2-phase.

Michael Thompson

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