Howdy gents, Working away on the recently acquired Osborne 1. Seems there's something wrong with the KB - and if I didn't know better, I'd say it's a case of shorted contacts.
The KB connector is 24 pins, double row header like a short floppy or IDE header. On the KB side, there are two "shorted" groups of pins. Group one is 2X shortred pins, group two is 5X shorted pins. Thing is, this KB is not really built to be serviced, best as I can tell. The switch matrix is made of two layered flexible circuits, and the key assys are 'riveted' in place, by melting over the plastic pins. So I see no way to disassemble it and give it a clean.. and then, even so. With such limited access, I don't see many avenues other than flushing with solvent(s) and hoping for the best. What's to be done? Is this one.. done already?