>Has anyone tried ditching the peroxide and simply gone to using a solution of sodium percarbonate (e.g. "Oxyclean")? >Cheap and pretty shelf-stable in the powder form
Yes, I have Chuck. http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blog/2011-01-21-deyellowing-with-oxy-only.htm Sometimes it doesn't turn out well though... http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blog/2011-04-11-lisa-keys-retrobrighting-misstep.html With my own retr0briting I've found off-white cream cases come up well, but anything that is grey can easily "bloom" if over exposed. In my experience deyellowing is only temporary http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blog/2013-01-15-retr0bright-only-temporary.htm It does make the cases look good for a while though. (: Terry (Tez)