On Sat, 22 Aug 2015, Jules Richardson wrote:
On 08/21/2015 05:28 PM, Evan Koblentz wrote:
So, how does one de-yellow something? I have a VT-100 and some other
gear that could use that process.
Google for "Retr0brite".
I've never tried the stuff - but is it a permanent fix, or does the
yellowing gradually come back?
It almost always seems to comes back to some extent. De-yellowing
treatments only work on the outermost surface of the plastic, and there
are still plenty of free bromides just under the treated surface which
will migrate outward. The re-yellowing (which may or may not be much less
than the original yellowing) also occurs much faster than the original
yellowing. Unless you can somehow eliminate all the free bromides from the
plastic, de-yellowing treatments such as Retr0brite are just a temporary
cosmetic fix.