> That's a cop-out. "Someone else did it first" doesn't change the law.

In the general case both of the parties involved are breaking copyright
law, and the injured party is whoever holds the copyright (which isn't
likely to be the seller or the buyer in this case).

In this specific case though, as it's an HP manual, if it's one of the ones
that went with Agilent (now Keysight) then they seem to have an enlightened
attitude and make their old manuals available and also point to a whole
bunch of other places that do the same. So they may well be OK with someone
making a manual available ... although I don't see any explicit evidence
that they'd be OK with someone *selling* a PDF of one of their historic


On 21 August 2015 at 16:18, Evan Koblentz <e...@snarc.net> wrote:

> That's called "stealing".
>> The person I had to buy the CD from off of ebay wasn't authorized to sell
>> it.
> That's a cop-out. "Someone else did it first" doesn't change the law.
> and freed it
> "Freed" is a euphemism.
> I'm not saying you should be in federal lock-up with Jared from Subway.
> :)  But don't pretend to not understand that what you did is illegal.

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