Here is what I've put together over the years, at least get you started.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Jay Jaeger <> wrote:
> On 8/20/2015 3:32 AM, Randy Dawson wrote:
>> Who picked this up -
>> I may have some cash for the buyer to mate it with my new ASR33, on its way 
>> via crate and freight.
>> Anybody got debug and startup tips on the 33, it probably has been siting 
>> for a while.
>> (like who has the melted hammer replacements and such, tape and paper 
>> sources)
>> I assume all the 8K, 4K BASICs are in public domain by now.  The demo for 
>> the kids will be the 15 minutes of paper tape, followed by READY.
>> Randy
> Bad assumption.  Things that were actually registered even if there was
> no notice, or published with a copyright notice would still be protected
> under U.S. copyright.
> Has a nice understandable synopsis.
> However, they do seem to be readily available here and there.


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