On 2015-08-18 11:31, Holm Tiffe wrote:
Jerry Weiss wrote:

Sorry if some of the suggestions aren?t appropriate, was just throwing a few 
things out.


Can you post a sample of the output for one of the lines that has an error?



Error Log Report Generator                  Version V7.1
%ERF-F-INVQUAVA1, value 'TX' invalid for /INCLUDE qualifier

I've looked over what was reported with $analyze/error/since=yesterday/full
but haven't found anything interesting ..

Not sure why /include=tx was suggested. I don't think that makes sense.
Anyway, you found a way around that. Otherwise, the device name should be used, which should have been TT I believe.

But I would expect there to be some information in the error log as your error count is non-zero. Strange...

Things that would be interesting to check more is that you really have the right device type and driver installed.


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