I suppose so ... in the process of building various little
single-board-computers based on historical microprocessors, I end up using
their corresponding assembly languages, some of which are probably no
longer really in commercial use.

Mostly on UNIX I just use C (or Perl, or ...) but on other platforms where
other languages are available, like on VMS, or on platforms where C (or
even Pascal) is _not_ available (say, MTS or MVS 3.8J on Hercules) I like
to play around with some of the older languages, that you might not see
used so much anymore ... Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, PL/I, SNOBOL, of course
good ole BASIC ... whatever's available and I have some reference materials
for (I enjoy collecting good old EE/CS textbooks as well) ... mostly these
are little "toy" programs though, just to run the compilers through their
paces and see the OS run a few executables ... I'm not doing any real
development in FORTRAN or PL/I :O



On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Eric Christopherson <
echristopher...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there a subset of this group for people who like to program in
> languages or language implementations or libraries that are no longer
> in common mainstream use? Or other groups for such a thing?
> --
>         Eric Christopherson

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