> On Aug 7, 2015, at 12:18 PM, Eric Christopherson <echristopher...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Is there a subset of this group for people who like to program in
> languages or language implementations or libraries that are no longer
> in common mainstream use? Or other groups for such a thing?

I suppose a lot of readers of this list do that, if you consider assembly 

For other languages: I’ve been maintaining the Cyber1 PLATO system from the 
start of that project, which involves periodic work in TUTOR.  And I’m working 
on recovering software for the Electrologica EL-X8 and EL-X1 systems; the 
former was a particularly good ALGOL system and the latter the host for the 
first ever ALGOL compiler.

This is fun since ALGOL was the first language I learned, luckily.


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