One of my first jobs at DEC was on terminal sales.
The LA36 printing terminal had the logic and PSU cards mounted in the plinth.
The logic card was on the back of the pull down door and the PSU inside.

So easy to service it wasn't true. This compartment was quite roomy and inside
fresh ones just arrived you would find all kinds of stuff:

    Wrapped food of all kinds
    Copies of the Boston Globe
    Cigarette packets (full and partly full)
    Assorted screwdrivers
    Loose change
    A note saying "meet me at the rusty  scupper" (local bar)


On 02/08/2015 19:09, Pontus Pihlgren wrote:
On Sat, Aug 01, 2015 at 07:05:35PM -0400, Vlad Stamate wrote:
What other strange pieces did you find when you opened up classic computers?

A dead rodent inside an otherwise nice looking Norsk Data ND-500

A four inch crooked nail inside a LINC-8

It is really a good idea to peak inside a computer that is new to you
before you power it up.


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