And what a hijack.. sorry. Please just disregard that last post, in the
context of this thread..

We're all much better off exploring the original topic, which is far more
useful and interesting.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 8:58 PM, drlegendre . <> wrote:

> I get the jab you're taking at latter-day Audiophool idiocy, but you won't
> find any gold-plated OFC business in any of the vintage gear I typically
> work with.
> But as far as gold plating goes, gold is a good conductor, it solders very
> well, it doesn't tarnish and its ductility promotes solid connections on
> screw terminals - it's really these characteristics that make it somewhat
> desirable in certain applications. So it's not so much that gold "sounds
> better", it's that it allows one to make connections that work better.
> But it does tend to wear quickly.
> Silver is as good or better, and while it does tarnish, my understanding
> is that the tarnish has virtually the same conductivity as the parent
> metal.. and silver is much cheaper than gold.
> Now to really shoot the wad.. IME, silver +does+ have a sonic artifact, at
> least in the systems where its used to a very large degree (as high purity
> wire) in the audio path. That said, I've never liked the "silver sound" in
> the systems where I believe I could hear a signature.
> Of course, since no other factors were controlled, I can't say that the
> audio artifacts I've heard were due entirely to the dominance of of
> metallic silver in the conductors..
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Fred Cisin <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Jul 2015, drlegendre . wrote:
>>> Incidentally, what exactly differentiates a computer-grade cap from any
>>> other alum. electrolytic?
>> Maybe computer-grade don't need gold-plated oxygen-free leads?

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