Hello Folks,

I just assembled an Ultra-10 (replaced memory, CPU, NVRAM chip, IDE hard disk,
IDE CDROM) and it seems to be hanging somewhere. I don't get anything from the
VGA connection on the 1280x1024 LCD monitor that is connected, but on the serial
console I see the output pasted below.
The system does not respond to any input via the attached sun keyboard/mouse or
via ttyA after printing the last line in the output below.

Obviously, the NVRAM battery is dead, and I'm working on getting a replacement.
Does anyone have a good source in Germany? The chip says "M48T59Y-70PC1U".

Could the dead NVRAM battery explain the behavior described?

Rob Urban

----- serial console output BEGIN -----
Hardware Power ON

@(#) Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI 3.31 Version 0 created 2001/07/25 20:36
Probing keyboard Done
%o0 = 0000.0000.0055.4001

Executing Power On SelfTest

@(#) Sun Ultra 5/10 (Darwin) POST 3.1.0 (Build No. 626) 13:56 on 06/27/00

CPU: UltraSPARC-LC (Clock Frequency: 300MHz, Ecache Size:  512KB)

    Init System BSS
    NVRAM Battery Detect Test

TEST   =NVRAM Battery Detect
    addr 000001ff.f1001ff0
    exp  00
    obs  10

Status of this POST run:    FAIL
manfacturing mode=CHAMBER
Time Stamp [hour:min:sec] 28:6a:c1  [month/date year] 0b/2c 2130


Power On Selftest Completed
Software Power ON0.0000.0000.0001 ffff.ffff.f00b.31a8 0000.3333.0200.001b

@(#) Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI 3.31 Version 0 created 2001/07/25 20:36
Clearing E$ Tags  Done
Clearing I/D TLBs Done
Probing Memory Done
MEM BASE = 0000.0000.2000.0000
MEM SIZE = 0000.0000.1000.0000
11-Column Mode Enabled
Copy Done
PC = 0000.01ff.f000.201c
PC = 0000.0000.0000.2060
Decompressing into Memory Done
Size = 0000.0000.0006.eba0
ttya initialized
Starting real time clock...
Incorrect configuration checksum;
Setting NVRAM parameters to default values.
Setting diag-switch? NVRAM parameter to true
Reset Control: BXIR:0 BPOR:0 SXIR:0 SPOR:1 POR:0
UltraSPARC-IIi 2-2 module
Probing Memory Bank #0 256 + 256 : 512 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #2   0 +   0 :   0 Megabytes
Probing UPA Slot at 1e,0 Nothing There
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1 at Device 1  pci108e,1000 network
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1 at Device 2  SUNW,m64B
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1 at Device 3  ide disk cdrom
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1 at Device 1  Nothing there
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1 at Device 2  Nothing there
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1 at Device 3  Nothing there
Probing /pci@1f,0/pci@1 at Device 4  Nothing there
----- serial console output END -----

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