A colleague was adamant that the Apple LaserWriter worked with the Apple Lisa; my counter was I thought he was likely confusing his memory with the Mac XL which via Macworks and LocalTalk could use the LaserWriter drivers to print although more slowly due to the 3MHz speed difference (Mac XL at 5MHz, Macintosh Plus at 8Mhz).
I found some evidence in InfoWorld that states that the LaserWriter would not be supported on Lisa Office System 7/7. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=6i4EAAAAMBAJ&lpg=PA13&ots=iH8F7zeaO_&dq=apple%20lisa%20with%20laserwriter&pg=PA13#v=onepage&q=apple%20lisa%20with%20laserwriter&f=false short version: https://goo.gl/O1jokf Anyone know different? would Lisa 7/7 been unable to support the LaserWriter due to other software limitations?