On 7/24/2015 6:41 PM, Mike Loewen wrote:
On Fri, 24 Jul 2015, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 07/24/2015 04:20 PM, Mark Linimon wrote:
On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 04:53:01PM -0600, Eric Smith wrote:
> It's not a real computer unless it has a real front panel with
> switches and blinkenlights.
Ever watch any old reruns of "Wonder Woman". Lots of blinkin' lights;
no computer. Or you could watch old "The Outer Limits" episodes where
clicking of relays and beeps and boops seems to accompany real
Or you could just get a floor-standing vacuum-column tape drive and
spin the reels back and forth...
That's exactly what the Hollywood prop people do:
These are from a Burroughs B205 system, and rigged up to spin the
reels and blink the lights.
Time Tunnel had a lot of scenes with "computery" looking gizmos,
probably including these drives.
But more panels with meters, displays and blinking lights.
Mike Loewen mloe...@cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology http://q7.neurotica.com/Oldtech/