1440s and 1460s  were architecturally 1401s (much as the 7010 is
architecturally a 1410 - software compatible).  I have not heard of a
1450 anywhere, but seem to recall hearing about at least one 1460 and
see photos of them online.

On 7/15/2015 12:26 AM, William Donzelli wrote:
>> In the 7000 series, the 1410 equivalent was the 7010 - architecturally
>> compatible, ran the same software, but implemented in 7000 series
>> technology.  It came along in 1962.  So that was really the last one to
>> be introduced of its ilk.
>> Other than clones and the like (e.g., from folks like Honeywell), I'm
>> not aware of any other machines with a similar architecture to the 1401
>> and 1410.  Name them?
> 1440 came after 1410. Quite a few were built, and one is being
> restored by the Binghamton bunch.
> 1450 and 1460 came even later...but I have never seen evidence of any
> of these actually being installed.
> --
> Will

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