>> What's my (putative) employer got to do with it?  [...]

> The topic was "How many use old browsers (e.g. =< Netscape 4 or IE 6)
> as their ONLY source of web content?"

> If you do web browsing at work on anything other than an old browser,
> it would seem that you violate the spirit of the topic.

Possibly.  Depending on what the OP cared about, I may or may not be an

I don't do generic "Web browsing" on work machines; what I use them for
is work tools that don't have usable non-"Web" interfaces.  Depending
on whether that counts as a "source of web content", I may or may not
be an example of what the OP wanted.  (If "web content" means "anything
delivered over HTTP", it clearly is; if it refers to content from
arm's-length third parties, it isn't.  And there's a whole spectrum in

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