I  get them  too  Jay  is   this because it  is  AOL mailbox?
thanks  Ed#
In a message dated 7/3/2015 11:40:52 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
dj.tayl...@comcast.net writes:

I've  been getting those unsubscribe messages on a regular basis, they 
appeared  after I changed my mail from verizon to comcast.  I was blaming 
it on  comcast, gave them holy hell!  But the email does get thru.

On  7/3/2015 2:41 PM, Vincent Slyngstad wrote:
> From: John Willis: Friday,  July 03, 2015 8:52 AM
>> Well, I am once again re-subscribed to this  list. Why it or its 
>> moderators
>> decide to  unceremoniously unsubscribe me every few months without 
>>  warning
>> is beyond me. Especially annoying when subscription  requests always take
>> 2-3 days to process. It would be _really_  nice to do a warning 
>> message to
>> people who haven't  broken any list rules and haven't asked to be removed
>> before  dumping them, especially if this is an automatically-triggered 
>>  event
>> based on the member's lack of posting  activity.
> I frequently get messages with this  silliness:
>    Your membership in the mailing list  cctalk has been disabled due to
>    excessive bounces The  last bounce received from you was dated
>     01-Jan-1970.  You will not get any more messages from this list  until
>    you re-enable your membership.  You will  receive 3 more reminders like
>    this before your membership  in the list is deleted.
>    To re-enable your  membership, you can simply respond to this message
>     (leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page  at
> Maybe yours are being routed to a spam folder  somewhere?
>    Vince
>  (01-Jan-1970?   Really?)

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