Transmac will read read Mac files off 1.44 floppies if you have one of those USB 3,5 inch drives.
Terry (Tez) On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Fred Cisin <> wrote: > On Fri, 3 Jul 2015, Joe Giliberti wrote: > >> Greetings, >> I know this may be OT, but can someone tell me if a modern PC (with a USB >> floppy drive) could read 1.44MB floppies from a 68k Mac? I want to use a >> Powerbook 190 for some word processing and need a means of transferring >> data. >> > > Hardware, yes. > Software, maybe. > > The 1.4M (how many bytes are in a Megabyte?) Mac disks have 512 bytes per > sector, etc. and do not require any different hardware. > > If your USB drive permits accessing sectors, then appropriate software on > the PC can read those disks. > > > NOTE: However, 400K and 800K Mac disks are GCR, instead of MFM, and > require a different disk controller than the standard NEC FDC in PCs. >