On 2015-Jun-30, at 5:22 PM, dwight wrote: > Hi All > I have a number of tapes for the Bruker Aspect 2000. > These are paper tapes. All looking for a good home. > I'd like these to go to someone with one of these computers. > It looks like it included the OS. These are paper tape, not mag tape. > Free Plus shipping.
Is that the CPU that went with their NMR systems from the 70s? A few years ago I examined the RF exciter portion of a Bruker NMR that had been dismantled and sold off as surplus. Wish I knew what happened to the CPU/processing portion, but it had already been separated by the time I was involved. Something I could wish to find/stumble-across would be one of the out-of-the-mainstream minis from the 60s/70s - something not DEC, not HP, not IBM, not DG (although a little Nova would be nice). Not likely these days as they were produced in relatively scant numbers.