Hello Folks,

I have an Ultra 10 "Creator 3D" with everything but the CPU. I have:
    - case
    - motherboard
    - DIMMs
    - CPU daughtercard (without CPU or CPU positioner)
    - CPU heatsink and backing plate

I need to get this system working again. Please don't ask why only the CPU (and
the positioner) are missing.

What is the simplest way to get this Ultra 10 running again? What CPUs are
compatible, and how can I get a positioner?

Or if someone has a Ultra 10 s/he'd like to sell to me, please make me an offer.


P.S. by "positioner" I mean the springy little plastic thing that drops into the
4 holes at each corner of the socket and causes the CPU contacts to be correctly
positioned over the daughtercard contacts.

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