I wish I could help you with that but I can't. But I can talk about partitions, if you are using the advanced file system then none of the partition rules apply, if you are using the ufs then the traditional layout is this:
a - boot partition, mounted as / unlike linux, there is generally no /boot partition b - swap partition c - the entire disk d to g - partitions for other stuff like /var /usr /tmp etc. I have a pair of Alphaservers running Tru64 Unix in a cluster and it boots from a raid set delivered by a RA8000 SAN and three Alphaservers who boot off local storage using a mirror set delivered by a KZPSC (DAC960) or one of its various similar siblings. In all cases the file system is Advfs which looks a lot like the LSM with volume groups and logical volumes etc. Here is a df of the system partitions from one of the systems: Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on root_domain#root 2097152 327726 1748880 16% / usr_domain#usr 8388608 3829826 4517680 46% /usr var_domain#var 8388608 715100 7579952 9% /var local_domain#local 16146432 8941490 6955808 57% /usr/local As with you, it has been a long time since I looked closely at any of this. I didn't understand the difference until I started looking at the configuration when I went to answer your question. We haven't used the LSM in years. -- Richard Loken VE6BSV, Unix System Administrator : "Anybody can be a father Athabasca University : but you have to earn Athabasca, Alberta Canada : the title of 'daddy'" ** richar...@admin.athabascau.ca ** : - Lynn Johnston