2.47 per each ic is kinda expensive

but then again i have 10s of thousands of each 74 series part there was
ever made
been collecting on ebay for 15 years and can repair most any old
computer there is
my hobby is old arcade boards and have the largest collection in arizona

some of the tough parts are the bipolar roms used on boards
they get hot run hot and fail

On 6/16/2015 8:19 AM, geneb wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jun 2015, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> I wish there was some _easy_ way to lay in a stock of the most common
>> TTL
>> IC's - e.g. some kind of kit one could buy - but alas, I don't know
>> of any.
>> (Hence my dream of finding and acquiring someone else's collection! :-)
>> Suggestions for the source of such a good diversified 'starter kit'
>> welcome...
> How about this:
> http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_84961_-1
> g.

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