On Mon, 15 Jun 2015, Marco Rauhut wrote: > In this configutarion the system starts into SYSBOOT>. > There i have to give the command CONTINUE to boot VMS. > Is there any way to overide then CONTINUE command?
It sounds like your system defaults to a conversational boot which is, as far as I recall, set by setting the least significant bit in register 5 >>> boot /r5=1 Usually, unless you are booting stand alone backup or are a cluster member, the machine should boot with register 5 set to 0 and you only set it to 1 if you want to do a conversational boot. -- Richard Loken VE6BSV, Unix System Administrator : "Anybody can be a father Athabasca University : but you have to earn Athabasca, Alberta Canada : the title of 'daddy'" ** richar...@admin.athabascau.ca ** : - Lynn Johnston