On Monday (06/01/2015 at 07:39PM -0700), Mark J. Blair wrote:
> > On Jun 1, 2015, at 19:31, Chris Osborn <fozzt...@fozztexx.com> wrote:
> > This one looks exactly like yours, but it’s even cheaper! I wonder if it’s 
> > the same?
> > 
> > http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009A6PJKQ
> When you get it, we can compare pictures of their innards. Mine has a PCB 
> with blue soldermask. Most of the functionality appears to be in a single 
> QFP, probably with a central ground/heat slug based on the vias on the bottom 
> side of the board. The top of the chip appears to have been sanded to remove 
> the markings.

I ordered one too after seeing your pictures.  It seems like the Amazon
price is not exactly deterministic--  I got mine for $11.90 yesterday
and the same link today shows it at $14.48.  Perhaps these are commodity
priced, you know like corn :-)

I will try mine with various DEC terminals, Heathkit H19/H89 and several
other composite monochrome sources.  Your 80 column display looked
really nice.

I had similar results with a GBS-82xx converter driving into a VGA LCD but
I would say the text is not as crisp there likely due to the additional
conversion back to analog VGA which your solution would eliminate.

Chris Elmquist NØJCF

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