Hi, all, I'm looking for distribution panels (cab kits) for DZV11s/DZQ11s -
or that wierd cable with the DB25 connectors on one end which substitutes for
a cab kit, the BC11U - for the DZV11/DZQ11. (The part number for the
distribution panel is 70-19964-00.)

(I'm pretty sure the cabkit, which is technically for the DZQ11, will also
work with the DZV11, since they are documented as both using the BC11U cable.)

I don't have to have the cable (which is a BC05L-xx, which I'm pretty sure is
the vanilla 40-pin cable), since I'm set up to make them, although if the
panel comes with one, that's fine, of course.

Anyone know of a source for any? I looked online, none on eBay, Google showed
one dealer with one, but they wanted like $50 each.


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