On 2015-May-29, at 3:54 PM, Jules Richardson wrote:
> JOOI, does anyone know when Panaplex 7-segment displays started going the way 
> of the dodo, to be replaced with LED displays (and, on the back of that, what 
> were the advantages of a Panaplex-type display over an LED one?)

Panaplex and other 7-seg gas discharge displays were used in calculators up to 
the mid-70s. Actually one of the last uses in a calculator might be the HP-9815 
They were mostly used in desktops for the sake of the larger digit size but 
there were some pocket/handheld calcs that used the smaller versoions. In 
calcs, they were largely superseded by vacuum-flourescent displays which were 
easier to drive, had a longer life, and could also be made with bright, large 

Heathkit used them in some items into perhaps the late 70s.

They were also extensively in arcade/pinball games, as I'm sure many will 
recall. I'm not sure how late they were being incorporated into new designs in 
that arena.

In their heyday (early/mid-70s) I'd say they could produce a larger, more 
uniform, better contrast, display than the then-early LEDs. Would have to look 
at specs and some calculations but they were probably more energy efficient 
than LEDs.

> I just saved a few boards from a dumpster with such displays on (they're 
> actually Beckman ones, not Burroughs), but I was a little surprised to see IC 
> dates into 1981; I thought by then things had moved over to LED.

Yes, to be accurate, Panaplex was a Burroughs trademark. There was the Panaplex 
I series which had a metal grid anode in front of the segments for the anode, 
and the more-prevalent Panaplex II which has a conductive coating on the glass 
for the anode.

The Burroughs and Beckman displays are different in design. Generically, I 
refer to them as 7-segment gas-discharge displays. There were some 
lesser-produced designs from Japanese manufacturers.

Generally, their failing seems to be the cathode poisoning common to all neon 
bulbs, and 'burning' of the thin conductive anode coating where applicable.

> I'm almost certain that they're from old gas pumps - maybe the displays are 
> just more readable in bright sunlight than LED? (there's a sticker on one of 
> the PSU boards with a 'shipping date' in 1999)

Funny, I was about to mention that use. I remember them in use on gas pumps up 
to somewhere around the late-80s or early-90s. One of my bike routes takes me 
on a dike behind an industrial area. Sometime around the mid-90s I remember 
there being a yard filled with scrapped pumps, a lot of them missing the 
display/keyboard cover, so all the displays mounted on the big controller 
boards could be seen. I wanted to rescue some of them but never got around to 
pursuing it. I was kind of dissuaded by the thought they had mostly seen a long 
and continuous service life and may now(then) be of questionable reliability.

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