I have a postdoc position in my group in the area of AI enabled
structure-based drug design.
A large part of the project will be about validating AI-based de novo
design methods and scoring functions. Therefore, this project fits very
well to an applied person who has practical skills in carrying out
binding assays and determining crystal structures of protein-ligand
More information can be found here:
As part of the application, one needs to submit a project description. I
am happy to discuss the project before hand, but please contact me in
good time before the deadline. (And please remove [ccp4bb] in the
subject line when you contact me, so that the E-Mail does not get sorted
in to a subfolder of my Inbox.)
Prof. Dr. Ruth Brenk
University of Bergen
Department of Biomedicine
+47 55586070
Visitor address: Mail address:
Jonas Lies vei 91 Postboks 7804
5020 Bergen 5020 Bergen
Norway Norway
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